Your one-stop destination for the world's most sought-after bottles.
Discover a world of exceptional wines & spirits with Crurated. Become a member to access exclusive offers and curated collections.
Become a member and unlock extraordinary wines and spirits.
Browse our weekly offers and secure your favorite vintage by bidding or buying immediately at a set price. Note that special limited editions are often only available as Single Lots at auction.
Discover our curation of wines & spirits available at fixed prices, and ready-to-ship at flat-rate shipping.
Take advantage of our complimentary state of the art storage facility in Burgundy.
Gift other Crurated members wines directly from your Crurated cellar with 1 click.
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Provenance Through Technology
Every bottle purchased through Crurated is identified with an NFT and backed by blockchain technology.

Advanced technology guarantees authenticity of origin.
The provenance of wines we curate is never in question. Every bottle purchased through Crurated is issued an NFT (nonfungible token) certifying its origin, backed by blockchain traceability. Eliminating risk and ensuring authenticity is of paramount importance at Crurated.

Scanning the barcode on each bottle tells a compelling story of the wine within.
Learn everything about your selection—from its appellation to the unique qualities of its vintage—simply by tapping your phone on the barcode, adding yet another dimension to its enjoyment.